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Technology for the sake of technology. Transforming the classroom.

          "Disorderly environments seem to inspire breaking free of tradition which can produce fresh insights" Dr. Vohs, University of Minnesota.  That quote hits technology on the head in that it is very diverse and can be applied in different schemes.  Teachers using technology need to not use it just for the sake of using it.  The term technology has been thrown around by educators a lot lately without much backing as to what they are describing to be technology.  During my time completing my Masters in Educational Technology, I was reminded of the fact that at one point technology was paper and pencil.  It's not about the tools that we have, but how we use them.  This program provided the chance for me to learn more about myself as an educator and how I can use my tools to the best of my ability.  Due to this change in pedagogy, I have learned more about myself and that I need to have students working more on the content rather than to just use the tools.


         I started the program out with a focus of flipping the classroom, where I would put my students in control of their learning and I help facilitate their understanding.  Along with flipping the classroom I wanted to develop my students into critical thinkers and learners.  My goals have shifted to focus more of the learning that my students accomplish into terms of the "real" world.  I still want them to be critical thinkers but also consider what skills am I teaching them to help them be successful as learners and citizens?  This is accomplished daily in the classroom by holding students accountable for their behaviors both physically and digitally.  I still have to focus of creating an engaging classroom that asks students to dig deeper into their understanding. 


-Corbin Brown

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